July 30, 2024 Endless Summer

20 Years of Endless Summer Hydrangeas®

Endless Summer Hydrangeas 20th Anniversary

As Endless Summer® celebrates 20 years, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the incredible journey and the people that made it possible. Starting with Dr. Michael Dirr and continuing with other partners across the industry, the brand has changed the way consumers think about hydrangeas while paving the way for new markets and ideas. Check out the video to hear from some of our partners and see how they celebrated the milestone.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to continue partnering with you to keep raising the standard for reblooming hydrangea while allowing consumers to Experience Life in Full Bloom™. Learn more about the back story of Endless Summer® here and check out the latest catalog for new updates from the brand.

Please note that Bailey is a wholesale supplier for the horticulture industry. If you’re a home gardener, please head to the Find a Retailer page to locate plants near you.